Planting asparagus
We planted a 50 foot row of asparagus last weekend. The little roots are quite unusual looking. They had already grown into recognizable...
Bee Update: blue pollen, small cell foundation fail
Lots of activity in the hive. Here are a bunch of random updates: Blue pollen It has been fun to watch all the different coloured pollen...
No more "flying the coop"
We've been struggling with one of our hens, Rosebud, getting out of the 'barnyard' at least a few times per day. We've been postponing...
Starting our orchard
We have (finally) begun to plant our little orchard which is the first step to our building an edible-food-forest-based space at the back...
Swarm trap in Spring
Last week we wandered down to the river to ensure our swarm trap (bait hive) was ready for swarm-season. We found that the hole had been...
Happy Hens
All 7 of our laying hens enjoyed the early spring garden today. This will likely be their last day to enjoy the full garden (except the...
Bees - spring cleaning and already bringing in pollen
I was out to check on the bees this afternoon. With the weather being +14 and sunny I expected lots of activity. The bees were busy...
Signs of Spring around the homestead
Signs of spring around the homestead: Busy bees at the Tanzanian hive! (the swarm we caught last summer did not overwinter. We hope to...
Queen or no queen? ... and comb repair
Very busy weekend of beekeeping! When inspecting the kenyan (with the new swarm) all we could find was honey, honey and more honey. We...
Swarm update - moving into the hive
Two evenings ago, we drove the truck to the swarm trap after dark, covered up the opening and drove it back home. We set them on their...