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Signs of Spring around the homestead

Signs of spring around the homestead:

Busy bees at the Tanzanian hive! (the swarm we caught last summer did not overwinter. We hope to catch another swarm this spring). A photo from mid-February and then on the first warm day (+10 and sunny) towards the end of March.

bee hives in snow

first bee hive activity in spring

first bee hive activity in spring

Maple sap tapping and boiling down to syrup:

tapping manitoba maple for sap
boiling down sap

Branches, downed during the ice-storm, awaiting yard clean-up day:

Jazzi, keeping an eye on the squirrels:

urban homestead dog

Hens (Sweetie, our adopted hen, Penny and SixPence) enjoying cleaning up the spring garden:

hens in garden in spring

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